Links – Sexual recovery online resources

Email Groups:
Sex/Porn Addiction
Internet addiction support group
Addiction research & treatment
Open self-help discussion
An online porn email forum
Resource and Recovery Sites:
Gentle Path Press, The only publisher we know of that specializes in sexual addiction.
The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) offers hope and valuable resources to those seeking information about sexual addiction. The General Information section of our site is an excellent place to begin. If you wish, you can take a self-scoring test on sexual addiction. If you have come here looking for a therapist for the treatment of sex addiction, our professional members may be able to help you. – Good information on sex addiction, digital-age intimacy, porn addiction, cheating, and lots of resources
Features a complete 12-step resource website. You can listen to the Big Book or AA in free streaming audio format. Listen with your Real Player or Windows Media Player!
An anonymous message board where people can discuss their struggle with Pornography Addiction, whether it is a personal addiction or someone else’s addiction.
Sex Addiction Treatment Center (Pia Melody, Claudia Black, Terrance Real, and others).
Dr. Patrick Carnes’ newest treatment program for sex addiction; a Gentle Path at Pine Grove, in Hattiesburg, MS.
This is a good treatment center in the Dallas area for sex addiction. Their prices are good, and they believe in longer treatment in general, and have good follow up.
Designed to help recovering people all around the world connect with each other. It can be a very useful tool when we travel. You can log onto this site and find people in recovery wherever you are.
Help with alcoholism, drugs, codependency, smoking, sex, porn and other addictions.
Under the direction of John Sealy, M.D. Del Amo offers a recovery program from Sexual Addiction and Sexual Offending Behaviors. Del Amo addresses problems in neurochemistry, post-traumatic stress, maladaptive behaviors, multigenerational patterns of dysfunction and destructive cultural beliefs. The need for medical evaluation and treatment is also addressed. The program is designed to be challenging yet humanistic in its approach to treatment by utilizing a variety of modalities to accomplish treatment objectives including a strong 12-step and family component. Goals of the program are to assist patients in taking responsibility, increasing victim empathy, establishing clear personal boundaries, developing relapse prevention plans, developing alternative behaviors, eliminating denial systems and gaining integrity and a true sense of self. 800.533-5266
The Sexual Recovery Institute provides Southern California residents with outpatient sexual addiction group and individual treatment and also offers short-term, intensive outpatient programs for out-of-state and international patients. We also treat spouses and couples for sexual addiction.
The Center for Healthy Sex (Los Angeles) treats a broad spectrum of sexual disorders including; sex addiction, low sexual desire and sexual dysfunction. The clinical staff of CHS offers intensive individual and group psychotherapy.
Located in San Francisco. Provides the highest standards of psychological assessment and clinical treatment to those individuals (adults, adolescents, and children) suffering from the devastating effects of impulse disorders, addictions, out-of-control behaviors, and/or learning differences and their partners and families. We work to create a non-judgmental, non-shaming, and safe environment so the individual and their loved ones can begin to trust in themselves and fully accept their problems, free to move beyond the secrets into a meaningful, and fulfilling life.
Focused on understanding and treating an addictions in general.
The Lifetime television movie of the memoir, Love Sick: One Woman’s Journey Through Sexual Addiction, The book is now out in paperback This site is mostly about drug and alcohol addiction – Describes 6 types of sex addicts, sex/porn addiction test, resources – Sex Addicts anonymous, probably the best 12-step program for people with sex addiction. Meetings all over the U.S. Very good in-patient treatment program, 50 miles NW of Phoenix, AZ
National resources for sexual recovery
There are 12 step recovery meetings daily in numerous cities throughout the U.S. for sexual addicts and their partners. The list below gives a brief description of the programs, their focus and attendance. Local information hotline numbers can provide specific meeting information.
How to contact and attend a 12 step sexual recovery meeting:
Some meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend, while others are “closed to members only” or are gender specific. It is best to check ahead by calling a local hotline number, this will help determine the best choice of meeting. The hotline numbers will usually confidentially take your name and call you back with meeting information or provide a recorded announcement.
Here are the basic 12 Steps:
- We admitted we were powerless over addictive sexual behavior – that our lives had become unmanageable.
- Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
- Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God* as we understood God*.
- Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
- Admitted to God*, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
- Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
- Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings.
- Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
- Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
- Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry that out.
- Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other sex addicts and to practice these principles in our lives.
*For people who have trouble with the word God or Higher Power, it is often suggested to think of the group of people in the program as your Higher Power. You do not have to believe in God to be part of any 12-step program. You can have any beliefs you have and still participate.
Sex Addicts Anonymous (S.A.A.)
(713) 869-4902
PO Box 70949
Houston, TX 77270 San Francisco Bay Area Site:
SAA Online & Phone Meetings -NEW!
There are Online meetings (via computer), Phone meetings and Telemeetings. This website explains how to participate in each.
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (S.L.A.A.)
Fellowship-Wide Services
1550 NE Loop 410, Ste 118
San Antonio, TX 78209
Fax 210-828-7922
General Questions/Meeting Info:
Order Queries:
Website Questions Only:
San Francisco – East Bay Website:
San Francisco Bay Area Online Meeting List:
Sobriety is self defined. Open to men and women, straight, gay and bisexual.
SLAA Online Meetings
Check out this site for SLAA online meetings
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (S.C.A.)
(212) 606-3778
P.O. Box 1585, Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10011
12 Step program found in major urban areas nationally. Participants define their sexual sobriety through the boundaries of a “Sex Plan” which is evolved by working with other recovering members.
Sexaholics Anonymous SA
P.O. Box 3565
Brentwood, TN 37024
Phone: (615) 370-6062
Toll-free: (866) 424-8777
Fax: (615) 370-0882
Sobriety= No sex outside of legal marriage relationship. Lust is the addiction. No sex with ones-self.
Sexual Recovery Anonymous SRA
P.O. Box 1296
Redondo Beach, CA, 90278
Sobriety= No Sex Outside of Mutually-Committed Relationship, which includes freedom from masturbation.
S-Anon International Family Groups
P.O. Box 111242
Nashville, TN 37222-1242
(615) 833-3152
Co-Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, (CO-S.L.A.A.)
A 12 step program of recovery for family, friends, and significant others whose lives have been affected by a sex and love addict. Not open to sex and love addicts.
COSA National Service Organization
Post Office Box 14537
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Groups for partners and family members. Codependents of Sex Addicts (C.O.S.A.)
Recovering Couples Anonymous (R.C.A.)
World Service Organization of RCA
P. O. Box 11029
Oakland, CA 94611
Groups for Sexual Trauma Survivors
Survivors of Incest Anonymous (S.I.A.)
P.O. Box 21817
Baltimore, MD 21222
(410) 282-3400
Incest Survivors Anonymous (I.S.A.)
P.O. Box 17245
Long Beach, CA 90807
*(562) 428-5599
*not to be used as a hotline, answering machine only
Sexual Assault Recovery Anonymous (S.A.R.A.)
P.O. Box 16
Surrey, BC, V35 424 CANADA
(604) 584-2626
Web Pornography Filters
Not really a filter, but an accountability tool that can work better than a filter. All Internet activity on your computer will be monitored by their servers and periodically passed on to the accountability partners you choose in the signup procedure. The list is scored specifically for pornography. Internet access is never blocked. They also provide porn filters now.
Provides Internet Protection software, including parental controls and internet filtering software, computer cleaning utilities, anti-phishing controls, and more.
In the News
SF Chronicle interview with Drew Tillotson on Porn Addiction:
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