Resource Books – Recommended Reading

Gifts of Recovery: Daily Meditations for Men and Women in Recovery from Sex Addiction by Timothy D. Stein
Porn Free by Matt Dobschuetz
Gifts of Recovery: Daily Meditations for Men and Women in Recovery from Sex Addiction.
Help Her Heal, An Empathy Workbook for Sex Addicts to Help Their Partners Heal by Carol Juergensen Sheets
Full Disclosure: How to Share the Truth After Sexual Betrayal by Janice Caudill and Dan Drake.
Full Disclosure: Seeking Truth After Sexual Betrayal: Volume One: How Disclosure Can Help You Heal by Janice Caudill and Dan Drake.
Full Disclosure: Seeking Truth After Sexual Betrayal: Volume Two for Partners: Preparing for Disclosure on Your Terms by Janice Caudill and Dan Drake.
Full Disclosure: Seeking Truth After Sexual Betrayal: Volume Three for Partners – Post Disclosure Healing by Janice Caudill and Dan Drake.
Going Deeper, How the Inner Child Impacts your Sexual Addiction by Eddie Capparucci
Sex Addiction: The Partners Perspective by Paula Hall
Breaking the Cycle by George Collins, M.A.
Sex Addicts Anonymous, 3rd Edition Big Book
Erotic Intelligence: Igniting Hot, Healthy Sex While in Recovery from Sex Addiction by Alexandra Katehakis
Sex Addiction as Affect Dysregulation: A Neurobiologically Informed Holistic Treatment by Alexandra Katehakis
Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence by Alexandra Katehakis, et al.
Sexual Reflections: A workbook for Designing and Celebrating Your Sexual Health Plan by Alexandra Katehakis
Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.. This is the landmark book introducing and legitimizing sexual behaviors and sexual fantasies as an addictive disease. Dr. Carnes proposes three levels of sexual addiction, describes the addiction cycle and its progression, and presents the faulty core beliefs of the addict and the coaddict and their healthy counterparts.
In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior by Patrick Carnes, David Delmonico, and Elizabeth Griffin. Applies Carnes’ theories to the growing phenomenon of cybersex addiction.
Contrary to Love: Helping the Sexual Addict by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.. In this sequel to “Out of the Shadows,” Dr. Carnes adds to his original descriptions of sex addiction describing the stages of the illnesses. He presents here his Sexual Addiction Screening test, useful to therapists and addicts alike.
A Gentle Path Through the Twelve Steps by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.. This is the first workbook on the Twelve Steps specifically designed with sex addicts and coaddicts in mind. It offers comprehensive and practical exercises for each of the twelve steps for anyone for anyone working a sexual recovery program.
Don’t Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.. Based on research involving over 1,000 recovering sex addicts and coaddicts, this comprehensive work outlines the stages of recovery and presents advice from the addicts and coaddicts themselves as they work to overcome their compulsive behavior. Recommended both for counselors and for recovering people.
Cybersex Exposed: Simple Fantasy or Obsession? by Jennifer Schneider and Robert Weiss.. An excellent discussion of cybersex addiction from two experts in sex addiction. Both trained with Carnes and advocate recovery using 12-step programs. Practical suggestions for getting control of online sexual behavior.
Disclosing Secrets: When, to Whom, and How Much to Reveal by Deborah Corley and Jennifer Schneider.. A valuable primer with clear, direct advice about the most effective way to disclose secrets to your spouse, especially secrets about sexual acting out. Practical examples and sample disclosure letters. Also discusses when and how to disclose to other family members, children, employers, and new romantic partners.
Cruise Control: Understanding Sex Addiction in Gay Men by Robert Weiss.. Just published in 2005, finally a discussion of sexual addiction for and about gay men. Helpful criteria for identifying addictive behavior, without judgment about homosexuality or “kinky” sexual practices.
Lonely All the Time: Recognizing, Understanding and Overcoming Sex Addiction, for Addicts and Codependents by Ralph Earle, Ph.D. and Gregory Crow. This book addresses the needs and concerns of all sexual addicts, regardless of their sexual orientation, and also of the addict’s codependent partner. The authors explore the causes and symptoms of sex addiction. They also include a comprehensive and practical approach to recovery for the addict and family.
Sex Addiction: Case Studies and Management by Ralph H. Earle, Ph.D. and Marcus R. Earle, Ph.D… Written for the professional who treats sex addiction, this book describes a comprehensive treatment program for the addict and family. It is highly recommended for professionals.
Women, Sex, and Addiction: A Search for Love and Power by Charlotte Davis Kasl, Ph.D.. This book is a major contribution to the understanding and healing of sex addiction, romance addiction, and sexual codependency in women. It is full of wisdom and insight, shedding light on what happens to women in our society, how they survive it, and some roads to self-respect.
The Secret Sin: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction by Mark Laaser, Ph.D.. This book approaches sex addiction and recovery from a Biblical perspective. Dr. Laaser traces its roots in families and in culture; shows how sex addiction can poison the lives of pastors and lay people alike; and describes a Twelve Step program for treatment and recovery.
Is It Love or is it Addiction? by Brenda Schaeffer. This book helps readers understand love addiction and to sort out the unhealthy, addictive elements in their romantic relationship. Brenda presents a solid theory of love addiction and healthy love, with practical examples to illustrate her concepts.
Back From Betrayal: Recovering From his Affairs by Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D.. Dr. Schneider’s pioneering work is the first written for women whose husbands keep getting involved in affairs. Based on interviews and her own experience, she addresses the anguish and helplessness which codependents feel daily. In clear, compassionate, and informed writing she describes the nature of sexual coaddiction, helps coaddicts understand their own disease and their denial and isolation and outlines a path to recovery.
Many Roads, One Journey : Moving Beyond the Twelve Steps by Charlotte Davis Kasl. From the author of Women, Sex, and Addiction, a timely and controversial second look at 12-step programs, helping all readers to draw on the steps’ underlying wisdom, adapting them to their own experiences, beliefs, and sources of strength.
Sexual Addiction : An Integrated Approach by Aviel Goodman M.D.. Goodman presents an extensively documented and very scholarly examination of the causes of sexual addiction along with a sampling of treatment approaches, including his preferred approach. Intended for the well-educated reader.
Craving for Ecstasy : How Our Passions Become Addictions and What We Can Do About Them by Harvey B. Milkman, Stanley G. Sunderwirth. The authors describe the variety of addictive ways individuals lose control of their lives while striving for pleasure and escape. The biological, chemical, sociological, and psychological processes of addiction are explained in understandable terms.
Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families by Pamela Paul. Written by a journalist, this is a thorough, thoughtful discussion of the impact of pornography since the advent of the Internet. Well researched and documented, including results of a 2004 Harris poll she commissioned and over 100 interviews she did with heterosexual consumers of pornography, including many cybersex addicts.
Treating Addicted Survivors of Trauma by Katie Evans, J. Michael Sullivan
The Sex Addiction Workbook: Proven Strategies to Help You Regain Control of Your Life by Tamara Penix, Ph.D. Sbraga, William T. O’Donohue This is an excellent workbook – it will give you lots of guidance and lots of exercises.
Hope and Recovery: A Twelve-Step Guide for Healing From Compulsive Sexual Behavior. This was one of the first books to comprehensively describe the application of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to sexual addiction and compulsivity. It also includes a wide range of personal stories in which recovering sexual addicts share their experience, strength, and hope.
Sex Addiction: Case Studies & Management by Ralph H. Earle, Kevin Osborn, Marcus R. Earle
Relapse Prevention: Maintenance Strategies in the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors by G. Alan Marlatt, Judith R. Gordon (Editor)
Addicted to Adultery: How We Saved Our Marriage and How You Can Save Yours by Richard Brzeczek, Elizabeth Brzecaek, Sharon Devita
The Pleasure Addicts: The Addictive Process–Food, Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Work, and More by Lawrence J. Hatterer
False Intimacy: Understanding the Struggle of Sexual Addiction Beyond Gay or Straight: Understanding Sexual Orientation Love, Infidelity and Sexual Addiction: A Codependent’s Perspective by Christine Adams
Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality, The Power of the Feminine Way by Linda Savage, Ph.D.. This is an excellent book for women and men. It is written by a sex therapist with 25 years experience helping women to embrace their sexuality. It does an excellent job describing how sexuality is a sacred power meant to be a transformational power for partners to experience with each other. For men, this is a great book to get some understanding of the deeper spiritual possibilities available in real sexuality as opposed to what is taught in the mainstream in this country.
Love Sick: One Woman’s Journey Through Sexual Addiction (W. W. Norton) by Sue William Silverman. This is the first memoir on sexual addiction written from a woman’s perspective. It is structured around 28-days Silverman spent in a rehab facility, with flashbacks to self-destructive behavior with emotionally dangerous men. During this month, she overcomes her belief that sex is love, a belief she traces back to her father’s sexual abuse of her as a child. In Elle magazine, Francine Prose writes: “Love Sick provides an honest and deeply chilling account of what it’s like to suffer from a compulsion to look for love in what are most definitely all the wrong places.”